Some operatives favor subtlety over grandiose pistol-waving intimidation. Spies use their training to blend in with a crowd, sneaking up quietly on targets to accomplish their missions. As they are often on their own, Spies have a rudimentary knowledge of first aid to keep themselves alive.- SWG Website
During your progression you will be granted equipment to use in the field.
Spy Equipment
Now, 007, do try to return this equipment in pristine condition. - Q
Item Level Granted Description
Spy Backpack Level 10 Agility and Precision +5
Covert Ops Armor Level 22 Constitution +3 (each piece)
Spy Ring Level 38 Constitution and Precision +6
Spy Pendant Level 66 Agility and Precision +12
Plan Alpha Level 78 Buff: Stamina and Precision +125 Duration 30 seconds
Belt of the Spy Level 90 Agility and Precision +15 Constitution +20
Super Secret Spy Abilities
"I usually hate killing an unarmed man, Cold blooded murder is a filthy business" - Bond
Special Ability Level Granted Duration Description
Eliminate 1 N/A Extra Damage Attack
Smoke Grenade 4 10 sec. Creates a cloud of smoke masking you from enemies
Sneak 7 30 sec. Grants you the ability to move unnoticed
Dispose 10 N/A Extra Damage Attack
Smoke Bomb 14 15 sec. Creates a cloud of smoke masking you from enemies
Steal 14 N/A Allows you to steal items or credits from an enemy (PvE only)
Skulk 18 60 sec. Grants you the ability to move unnoticed
Snuff 22 N/A Extra Damage Attack
Smoke Cloud 26 20 sec. Creates a cloud of smoke masking you from enemies
Shroud 30 90 sec. Grants you the ability to move unnoticed
Sly Regrowth 34 N/A Heals 1800 damage
Toxic Trap 38 N/A Area Poison Dot (Melee Range)
Dispatch 42 N/A Extra Damage Attack
Poison Fang 46 N/A Ranged Poison Dot
Noxious Deception 50 N/A Area Poison Dot (Melee Range)
Terminate 54 N/A Extra Damage Attack
Hidden Rejuvenation 58 N/A Heals 3000 Damage
Flash Bang 62 N/A Grenade that causes a area debuff
Execute 66 N/A Extra Damage Attack
Arachne's Web 70 10 sec Damage and Snare
Venomous Ploy 74 N/A Area Poison Dot (Melee Range)
Assassinate 78 N/A Extra Damage Attack
Spy's Respite 82 N/A Heals 4200 Damage
Vanish 86 Unlimited with +100 Camouflage Grants you the ability to move unnoticed
Wetwork 90 N/A Extra Damage Attack
Now that you see what's available, its time to learn the spy profession.
Extra Damage Attacks
These attacks deal additional damage to your target, higher levels will deal more damage but at the cost of using more action. Each of the attacks have a cooldown period of 7 seconds. As you increase in level remember to switch which special you are using. For example when you get to level 42 and can use Dispatch, drag it to your toolbar and replace snuff. The only time I wouldn't go with a higher special is when you hit level 90, Wetwork uses a lot of action and I only recommend it for one shot kills on annoying lower level mobs. Assassinate is still good for a level 90 spy to use against high level enemies, and you won't find yourself out of action when you need it.
Smoke Grenade
Smoke Bomb
Smoke Cloud
These specials are critical for a spies survival. These abilities will create a distraction enabling you to hide from your attacker, for a certain length of time. The higher the level of ability the longer you can remain invisible. Timing is the factor here, use this ability as a last ditch effort to stay alive. When you have used your heal and are down to your last few hit points and you obviously won't be able to heal again before you are incapped is the time to escape combat. With the right timing and some good luck you can solo just about any mob out there.
The first three abilities you learn, Sneak, Skulk, and Shroud are all timed stealth. You activate these specials and you can move around hidden until either A) you time expires or B) you get revealed from being too close to someone or something. The skill Vanish is completely different, you can stealth as long as your action holds when you are out of action, no more sneaky goodness. The SWG gods have granted us with Stealth Gear that when used will enhance our abilities to remained stealthed for longer or even forever as long as we are not reveled. The higher your camo mod the longer you can remain stealthy.
The Stealth Gear
Stealth Shirt +20
Stealth Duster +20
Stealth Gloves +20
Stealth Boots +20
Stealth Pants +20
Rebel Signet Ring +3
Bandolier + number varies usually around 16
At 100 stealth you can technically remain hidden forever. Though use of any buffs that modify stamina will reduce the time you can be in stealth. Let us also not forget that enemies, as well as players and non combat characters, can pull you from stealth if you or they, get too close.
Area Poison Traps
Toxic Trap
Noxious Deception
Venomous Ploy
These abilities when uses drops a poison trap at your feet and causes a Dot on nearby enemies. This will only work when they are in melee range. This is good when fighting enemies that run up on you to use melee or just get too close for comfort (hello you're invading my personal space).
Ranged Abilities
Poison Fang
Flash Bang
Arachnine's Web
While all three of these abilities I've listed as ranged they do work for melee as well, but work a heck of a lot better at a distance. Poison Fang is just that, a dart injecting your target with poison. The initial attack creates damage as well as the resulting tick from the poison slowly damaging your target, mmmm poison. Flash Bang is a grenade that explodes in a blinding and disorientating blast resulting in a drop to your targets precision and strength (-100). Arachnine's Web is a vicious attack that causes damage and slows down (snares) your target for 10 seconds
Been caught stealing
While its really just there for PvE fun you can steal credits and sometimes items from NPC's. When using steal you must be at least 4m from your target. You can generally steal from the same NPC twice and from silver elites and some bosses once. Sometimes your caught and sometimes you get away scott free, obviously being caught means you have to end their silly and boring NPC life.
You and Your Faction Recruiter
Spring Loaded Caltrop Trap
Kaminoan Dart Trap
Flash-Bang Trap
These traps can be purchased from you local Faction Recruiter. You must be a combatant for your respected faction to purchase these items. There are also two varieties PvP and PvE. First up is the spring loaded caltrop trap which is a trap that causes a decrease in movement (snare) and is effective up to 5m and lasts 30 seconds. The Kaminoan dart trap is a trap that fires a poison dart up to 4m causing a poison Dot. The Flash-Bang trap is an explosive trap causing a strength and precision drop (-100) for 1 minute at a whopping 20m radius.
When put together and used properly your spy can be an unstoppable killing machine