I often get a lot of questions about Shipwright, as well as general questions about particular ship parts. The Shipwright has two primary roles. One, obviously, is the crafting of player-made starships for use by pilots in the space zones. Secondly, Shipwrights have the ability to transform looted spaceship components into significantly better versions of those components - known as Reverse Engineering.
Make no mistake, Shipwright is a very complex and demanding profession. There are a large number of schematics with large variances in resources, and the options at your disposal when it comes to customizing the strengths and weaknesses of your items is vast.
Skills and Requirements
As with most other crafting professions, the basic profession upon which Shipwright is based is the Trader profession. Additionally, you may wish to create a new character as your shipwright. Ithorians receive +10 to Chassis, Power Systems, Shields, and Advanced Assembly (capacitors and droid interfaces), while Sullustans receive +10 to Boosters, Engines, and Weapons Systems. While these benefits are not huge, they will help a little.
Tools and Resources
To go along with the existing crafting system, the shipwright will need special tools in order to craft his trade-specific items. A Spaceship Crafting Tool and Spaceship Crafting Station have been added, and you will need these to make everything from repair kits to chassis.
The most basic schematics can be made with your crafting tool without a crafting station, but as you pick more complex items to craft, you will need to be near a public crafting station. For the very high level items, a private crafting station will be required. A basic Equipment Factory can be used to mass-produce some shipwright items - namely all ship subcomponents, ammunition, repair kits, paint kits, and analysis tools.
Resources, as with any crafting profession, are going to play a large part in the quality of your crafted ships and their subsystems. The majority of Shipwright resources share the same resource table as all the other professions. Specifically, you will eventually need: Steel, Aluminum, Iron, Copper, Radioactive, Low-Grade Ore, Fiberplast, Polymer, Lubricating Oil, Liquid Petrochemical Fuel, Reactive Gas, and Inert Gas.
However, there are a number of specific resources that will often be needed:
High Grade Polymeric Radioactive Used in
Booster Overdriver
Booster Extended Life Fuel Cell
Various Missile Packs
Reactor Limiter
Reactor Overcharger
Weapon Armor/Shield Effectiveness Intensifiers
Perovskitic Aluminum Used in
Armor Mass Reduction Kit
Crystallized Bicorbantium Steel Used in
Armor Reinforcement Panel
Conductive Borcarbitic Copper Used in
Capacitor Energy Saver Battery
Capacitor Extended Life Battery
Capacitor Heavy Battery
Capacitor Quick Recharge Battery
Droid Brain Upgrade
Droid Maintenance Reduction Kit
Fermionic Sciliclastic Ore Used in
Engine Limiter
Engine Overdriver
Weapon Quick Shot Upgrade
Weapon Speed Limiter
Gravitonic Fiberplast Used in
Shield Energy Saver Kit
Shield Intensifier
Shield Limiter
Shield Overcharger
Unstable Organometallic Reactive Gas Used in
Booster Fast Charge Fuel Cell
Booster Heavy Fuel Cell
Weapon Min/Max Damage Intensifiers
All of these specific new shipwright resources will always be available somewhere in your galaxy at any given time.
There is also an additional resource type, Hardened Arveshium Steel.
The individual resource statistics that are relied upon for the quality of your item depends from schematic to schematic. But generally, the important stats to consider are:
• Overall Quality (OQ)
o Applies to all schematics.
• Conductivity (CON)
o Applies to most schematics involving electrical systems and their subcomponents.
• Unit Toughness (UT)
o Applies to many schematics, usually related to hit-points.
• Heat Resistance (HR)
o Applies to chassis, armor and its subcomponents.
• Potential Energy (PE)
o Applies to a number of schematics, such as engines, weapons, and reactors, and their subcomponents.
• Shock Resistance (SR)
o Applies to shields and chassis.
• Malleability (MA)
o Applies to chassis.
Different items will call for different amounts of resource stats, which then vary even between experimental attributes. Examine your schematics carefully to decide which resource will work best.
Crafting Ships and Components
Once you have gathered all the resources and tools you need, you're ready to begin making ships. Obviously, starting out, you will not be able to craft the best items. It will take time (depending on your stockpile of resources, or ability to acquire them) to reach Master Shipwright. But by practicing along the way, you can learn a great deal about what you can make and sell. Using practice mode on Chassis will yield the quickest road to master, but be prepared to consume many millions of units of resources, very quickly.
There are 4 major different kinds of items a shipwright can craft. They can also reverse engineer, or "RE", looted parts.
• The Chassis
• The equipment
• Equipment Subcomponents
• Ammunition.
Chassis: The hull, or shell of the vessel. Whether it is X-Wings or TIE Fighters, this is what the ship looks like, its performance, and its functionality. There are a few things to know about the variation in Chassis design.
• Chassis Classes: There are currently 6 different Chassis Classes to add variety to your choice of chassis.
o Light Fighter: Low mass light fighter. Very crisp rotation, but sacrifices acceleration and deceleration to accomplish this. Very slide heavy, but very little rotation penalty at high speeds.
o Medium Fighter: Moderate mass medium fighter. Sloppier rotation, slightly more acceleration, less sliding and more significant rotation penalty.
o Heavy Fighter: High mass heavy fighter. Much sloppier rotation, but amazing acceleration and deceleration. Penalty when going at top speed for rotation is severe.
o Interceptor: Fairly light mass space superiority fighter. Mixes characteristics of light and heavy fighters. Expect to sacrifice mass to get the maximum performance out of this one.
o Bomber: Very high mass, very heavy craft. A brick. More diverse weapons arsenal available.
o POB: There are many master level ships which are considered POB (portalized object) ships. The YT-1300 (Corellian Transport), VT-49 Decimator (Imperial), and the YKL-37R Nova Courier (Rebel.) These incredibly cool ships have decorateable interiors that can be occupied by group members as if it were the inside of a house. These ships have turrets that can be jumped into and out of by people aboard the ship.
POB ships, because they have interiors, will take up one of your customer's structure lots when any number (maximum of 75) of items is stored on board. Make sure your customer realizes this.
o Gunboats: Gunboats were introduced into the game a short while ago. They serve as both a POB and a heavy assault boat, capable of laying down incredible amounts of gunfire.
• Maneuverability: Each chassis has a different maneuverability rating, based on its class and its mass. The lighter ships are generally more nimble, while the heavier more advanced ships tend to be less maneuverable.
• Capacity: Different chassis have different slot setups. Most allow for one projectile (energy) weapon, one missile bank, and one countermeasure bank. Some of the more advanced ships have additional banks of these kinds.
• Mass: An experimental quality of chassis. A somewhat misleading attribute title, this stat puts a hard cap on how much equipment you can load onto your ship, rather than stating the ships actual mass.
More advanced components will have a much higher mass value and consume your ships mass allowance faster. Lower end chassis are lighter, thus less advanced or less overall equipment can be used. This creates a welcome variation among chassis. Loading a chassis up with the very best equipment in the very highest level ship may not always be the kind of fighter your customer is interested in.
• Hitpoints: The amount of damage the chassis itself can sustain before being destroyed. Basically this is your last line of defense, and generally not very high. See Armor and Shields to see this more in depth.
• Multiplayer ships: Some non-POB chassis are 'multiplayer' ships, meaning more than one person can be on board when flown.
Equipment is divided into 5 'technology' levels, corresponding to the certification required by the pilot in order to use them. These are designated as Mark I through Mark V on all equipment except for projectile (energy) weapons. The relationships are as follows.
• Mark I (a.k.a. Light Weapons)
Equipment Level 1
• Pilot Novice
• Mark II (Mid-grade Weapons)
o Equipment Level 3
o Pilot Tier 1
• Mark III (Heavy Weapons)
o Equipment Level 5
o Pilot Tier 2
• Mark IV (Advanced Weapons)
o Equipment Level 7
o Pilot Tier 3
• Mark V (Experimental Weapons)
o Equipment Level 9
o Master Pilot
All piloting professions gain equipment certifications at the same Tiers within pilot.
Now, before I go on, instead of mentioning it for each piece of equipment individually, you should know that all equipment shares four common experimental attributes - Armor Hitpoints, Hitpoints, Mass, and Energy Maintenance.
Armor Hitpoints & Chassis Hitpoints
This basically works as though each component is its own little ship with its own little armor plating. The item can take damage up to its Armor Hitpoints level before it starts taking damage that compromises the performance of the equipment. Once both armor and standard hitpoints are depleted, the equipment is disabled.
Experimenting on these is not always worth the points - when a pilot's shields are out and armor is destroyed, the equipment is not going to last long no matter how many points you put in - it just simply doesn't get high enough. Increasing Hitpoints will lengthen the life of the equipment, however, but it depends on how often the pilots' equipment is damaged.
Your customer will probably want increased performance rather than high hit points. Often times, in space battles, ship performance vastly outweighs a few more hit points.
This is where the chassis Mass comes in to play. The sum of the Mass of all your equipment cannot exceed the mass allowance of the chassis.
Experimenting on mass is very tricky but important in the grand scheme of things when designing an entire ship from the ground up. Putting too many points into the performance of the item without considering its mass can lead to an overburdened ship design, and your customer will not be able to use everything he is asking for. Conversely, spending too much on mass reduction may decrease the performance of your equipment, and in the end you may discover you had plenty of mass to spare. Get a general idea of how much mass your components use with your skill and resources, and tweak on an individual basis.
Energy Maintenance
This is how much power your piece of equipment will draw from the ship's power supply.
While it may not be as easy to draw too much energy as it is to overburden a ships mass, it is a notable experimental attribute nonetheless. When you are over your energy limit, equipment will fail and/or decrease in performance.
This does not apply to armor as armor does not require energy to maintain, nor Reactors as they provide the energy (see below).
A ship's main fusion reactor is what gives a ship its power. Power is needed to drive every single component loaded onto the ship (with the exception of armor). Additional experimental attributes (1):
o Energy Generation Rate: Similar to the Mass attribute, each piece of equipment draws a certain number of energy units from the ship's reactor. A superior reactor has a high EGR, saving you points in Energy Maintenance in your other equipment. It also allows for more advanced, higher maintenance equipment.
Engines are arguably the most important aspect to any starfighter. They dictate how fast a pilot can go, how fast they can get there, how fast they can stop, and how fast they can turn. Additional experimental attributes(4):
o Speed: how fast the ship can travel! Note: The ship's actual top speed may be modified by chassis limitations.
o Pitch Acceleration Rate/Pitch Rate Maximum: Pitch is a term used to represent up and down motion. Since this is a space-based game, up and down is relative to a player's orientation and/or controller. The acceleration rate dictates how immediately the ship turns and changes direction. The maximum rate indicates how fast (rotational speed) that turn will be.
o Yaw Acceleration Rate/Yaw Rate Maximum: Yaw is a term used to represent side to side motion.
o Roll Acceleration Rate/Roll Rate Maximum: Roll is your ships ability to spin upon its Z-axis.
Shields are another incredibly important piece of equipment to any pilot. It is the first and most important line of defense in battle. Shields, while one piece of equipment, are divided into front/back deflector screens. Additional experimental attributes (3):
o Front Shield Hitpoints, Back Shield Hitpoints: You are given the ability to determine whether to equally distribute shields front and back, or to bias them to one side. Different pilots may ask for different setups - some may want more protection when charging an enemy head on, while others may prefer some extra points to the rear shields when being perused.
o Shield Recharge Rate: How fast the deflector recharges after absorbing a hit. A vital statistic.
Armor is a pilot's second, but more fragile, line of defense. There are front and rear sections of armor, but unlike shields, they are their own separate components. Once shields are depleted, the armor further protects the ship from damage to its key components. Once its Armor Hitpoints are depleted, the ship's chassis and equipment begins to take any damage that comes through. Experimental attributes are Armor Hitpoints, Hitpoints, and Mass. (See shared attributes, above)
Keep in mind, armor is very heavy. Watch the mass carefully, and if needed, add a Mass Reduction Kit (more on subcomponents later in this guide.) Additionally, if your shields are of excellent quality, the highest possible level of armor may weigh more than it is worth. Consider using lighter armor to save mass as well.
Capacitors are basically an energy storage unit for a pilot's projectile weapon. When this stored energy runs out, the weapon ceases to fire until some energy has recharged inside the capacitor. Additional experimental attributes (2):
o Energy: The amount of total energy the capacitor can store. The higher the better, obviously. The pilot can take more shots in a row before running out of energy.
o Recharge Rate: How fast the capacitor recharges itself. The higher the better.
A booster is a temporary boost to the output speed of a ship's engine. This can be very useful when your customer needs to get away in a hurry, or catch up to something quickly. Additional experimental attributes (5):
o Speed: The amount of extra speed the booster applies to the engine.
Note: When a booster is engaged, it applies this value to the current engine speed, not the maximum speed. Currently in game, the booster always goes at the same speed (it pushes the ship to full speed, increases the speed and then brings it back down after it runs out)
o Energy: The booster has a finite amount of energy it can devote to boosting. When this energy is depleted, the booster ceases to function and must recharge.
o Consumption Rate: The rate at which the booster drains its energy supply. Lower is better.
o Acceleration: The rate at which the booster accelerates the ship from its current speed to its maximum boosted speed.
o Recharge Rate: The rate at which the booster recharges.
Note: Boosters do not recharge while in use.
Projectile Weapons
A rather misleading name to some, Projectile weapons are the "blaster" type weapons on starships. They are the main source of offensive capability and a vital component to any starfighter. A pilot will most likely state this as his most valuable component. Projectile weapons are craftable in three flavors - Blasters (equally effective versus shields and armor), Disruptors (very effective versus armor plating, less effective versus shields), and Ion Cannons (very effective versus shields, less effective versus armor.) Additional experimental attributes (6):
• Armor Effectiveness, Shield Effectiveness: The weapons effectiveness when striking armor or shields. Weapons will only strike armor when no shields are present.
This modifier is multiplied by the raw damage of the weapon.
For Example: If the weapon hits for 1200 damage and the shield effectiveness is 0.500, the damage done to the shield will be 600.
• Damage Minimum, Damage Maximum
• Energy Per Shot: This stat determines how much energy the weapon will drain from the ship's capacitor each time it is fired. Lower is better.
• Firing Rate: The time between successive shots. Lower is better. Blasters can be crafted in basic Red, but also green to comply with Imperial standards.
Droid Interface
A droid interface is useable in some ships to allow a pilot to use an Astromech droid to augment, enhance, and manage the systems of his starship beyond the capabilities of the pilot. Additional experimental attributes (1):
• Droid Speed: The speed at which the droid can execute a command given by the pilot. Ships that can not carry Astromech droids will be forced to use Flight Computers, which are essentially the same thing, and available from your local Droid Engineer. For additional information on Astromechs and Flight Computers, check out TK421's JTL Droid Guide.
Missile Launchers/Countermeasure Launchers
These allow the pilot to launch missiles and/or countermeasures. Missiles add spice to many combat situations. Your customer may ask you to attempt to outfit his ship with these for added offensive punch. Countermeasures are a pilot's first defense versus missiles, and can often fend off missile attacks.
Launcher experimental attributes are Armor Hitpoints, Hitpoints, and Mass. (See shared attributes, above)
Missiles and countermeasures come in a few different flavors.
• Missiles
o Concussion Missiles: Highly effective versus shields, does zero damage to armor. Comes in Mark I, II, III (Levels 2, 5, 8) variants.
o Image-Rec Missiles: Advanced missiles with advanced targeting system, Tracks longer than standard missiles and avoids standard countermeasure systems. Equally effective versus shields and armor. Comes in Mark I and II (Levels 4 and 6) variants.
o Proton Missiles: Lightweight missiles, which allows the pilot to carry more in his arsenal, moderately effective versus shields and armor. Comes in Mark I, II, III, IV (Levels 1, 3, 6, and 9) variants.
o Seismic: Highly effective versus armor, weak versus shields. Comes in Mark I, II, III (Levels 3, 6, 9) variants.
o Space Bomb: High yield missiles that are slow and bulky. Easily deterred by countermeasures and lose track easily. Effective versus capital ships and slow moving/unaware ships. Comes in Mark I and II (Level 5 and 10) variants.
• Countermeasures
o Chaff Launcher: The most basic countermeasure. Only somewhat effective. Available to all pilots.
o Sensor Decoy Launcher: Slightly improved countermeasure. Moderately effective. Available to Tier 1 Pilots.
o EM Emitter Launcher: Creates an Electromagnetic field to disrupt incoming missile subsystems. Very effective. Available to Tier 3 Pilots.
o Micro-Chaff Launcher: More effective than standard Chaff/Decoy systems, but slightly inferior to EM Emitter. Still, Very effective. Available to Tier 3 Pilots.
o IFF Confuser Launcher: Launches a small device that confuses enemy missiles. Highly effective. Available to Master Pilots.
You can craft ammunition for the missile launchers and countermeasures. These ammo packs are loaded into the missile launcher themselves, and cannot be removed. They must be completely exhausted before a new pack can be inserted. Additionally, new packs can only be loaded when the pilot is on the ground.
Missile Experimental Attributes (4)
• Quantity
• Damage Minimum, Damage Maximum
• Firing Rate: The time between successive missile firings. Arguably this should be an experimental option on the launcher, but for now it is tied to the missiles themselves.
Chaff Systems Experimental Attributes (3)
• Quantity
• Chaff Effectiveness Minimum, Maximum
Item Subcomponents
Most ship components allow for optional subcomponents that alter the main component in some fashion. These are crafted first, and may be added during the crafting process of the main component.
Each subcomponent has a benefit that comes with a drawback, so adding a subcomponent will not always make your components better suited for your ship. These also come in Mark I-V levels that correspond to the level of the component they can be inserted in to. For instance, you may only put a Mark IV subcomponent into a Mark IV or higher component. You may sometimes find it advantageous however to put a lower level subcomponent into a high level component.
• Reactors
o Limiter: Reduces mass, but reduces energy output.
o Overcharger: Increases energy output, but increases mass.
• Engines
o Limiter: Reduces energy maintenance, but lowers speed/acceleration.
o Overdriver: Increases speed/acceleration, but increases energy maintenance.
• Armor
o Mass Reduction Kit: Reduces mass, but lowers armor hitpoints.
o Reinforcement Panel: Increases armor hitpoints, but increases mass.
• Shields
o Energy Saver: Reduces energy maintenance, but reduces shield hitpoints.
o Intensifier: Increases shield hitpoints, but increases energy maintenance.
o Limiter: Increases recharge rate, but decreases shield hitpoints.
Effects are fairly offsetting, this subcomponent will likely either be changed or removed.
o Overcharger: Increases shield hitpoints, but decreases recharge rate.
Effects are fairly offsetting, this subcomponent will likely either be changed or removed.
• Capacitors
o Energy Saver Battery: Reduces energy maintenance, but decreases maximum energy storage.
o Heavy Battery: Increases maximum energy storage, but increases energy maintenance.
o Extended Life Battery: Increases maximum energy storage, but reduces recharge rate.
Effects are offsetting, this subcomponent will likely either be changed or removed.
o Quick Recharge Battery: Increases recharge rate, but decreases maximum energy storage.
Effects are offsetting, this subcomponent will likely either be changed or removed.
• Boosters
o Overdriver: Increases speed/acceleration, but increases mass.
o Extended Life Fuel Cell: Increases maximum booster energy, but decreases recharge rate.
o Fast Charge Fuel Cell: Increases recharge rate, but decreases maximum booster energy.
o Heavy Fuel Cell: Increases maximum booster energy, but increases consumption rate.
Effects are offsetting, this subcomponent will likely either be changed or removed.
• Weapons
o Armor Effectiveness Intensifier: Boosts Armor Effectiveness, but reduces shield effectiveness.
o Max Damage Intensifier: Increases Max Damage, decreases Min damage.
o Min Damage Intensifier: Increases Min Damage, decreases Max damage.
o Quick Shot Upgrade: Increases firing rate, but increases capacitor energy per shot.
o Shield Effectiveness Intensifier: Boost Shield effectiveness, but reduces armor effectiveness.
o Speed Limiter Upgrade: Decreases capacitor energy per shot, but decreases firing rate.
• Droid Interface
o Droid Brain Upgrade: Increases droid command speed, but increases energy maintenance.
o Maintenance Reduction Upgrade: Decreases energy maintenance, but decreases droid command speed.
Misc Items
Shipwrights also craft:
• Repair Kits: You may wish to craft and sell these repair kits to your customers, or through a public market. There is a separate repair kit for every component. When you craft these, they are given a hitpoint rating which is the amount of points they will repair a component before being used up.
Most players will not choose to seek these out rather than just get their ships repaired at a space station. Some space stations only repair to 75%, so perhaps it will come in handy then, or if the pilot is so low on cash as to want to save a few credits on your kits.
• Paint Kits: Rebel and Privateer Pilots will more than likely wish to personalize the hull of their starships with your paint kits. The empire will not allow their pilots to paint the outside of their TIE Fighters, however.
There are 6 texture kits. Each is a one-use item that changes the PATTERN of colors on a ship. The existing colors are not changed, only their location on the ship. Each type of kit (1-6) will apply a specific unique pattern. Paint kits are one-use items that can be used to apply BOTH a primary color and a secondary color of your choosing. You actually use it twice, first to apply one, and then use it again to apply the other.
Reverse Engineering
Reverse Engineering adds a whole new dimension to crafting. With this ability, shipwrights are able to take components looted from other starships, analyze them, and improve on their design.
To reverse engineer, you can either collect looted components on your own while piloting your starship or you can reverse engineer components your customers bring to you. The process is very simple - build a component analysis tool (all tools are of equal quality, but you can experiment on the # of charges per tool), put the component(s) inside, and analyze it (them). Depending on the equipment level of the component you wish to reverse engineer, you may need multiple components of the same type (not necessarily the same name) to successfully reverse engineer a single improved item. For example, to reverse engineer a looted level 5 capacitor, you will need 5 looted level 5 capacitors in your analysis tool. To RE a level 7 booster, you will need 7 looted level 7 boosters.
The reverse engineered component's stats will be determined by taking each stat of all the items in the tool and picking the optimal stat in each category from all the items add something like (lowest stats for mass, consumption, re-fire; and the highest stats for everything else). A bonus will be and applied (1% per equipment level) to each stat, and written back out to the new component. You will be presented with a Technical Readout at the end of a reverse engineering session showing you the compiled stats, the percent bonus applied, and the finalized stats of the new item. You will also have a chance to name the component after reverse engineering it.