Hydrolase Enzymes have an Enzyme Purity value and a Mutagen Potential value. Depending on the Enzyme Extraction tool you use, you can pad these figures. An Enzyme Extraction tool with the same or similar values for Purity and Mutagen Potential will give you, when extracted, a balanced hydrolase. An Enzyme Extraction tool that has a higher value for Enzyme Purity will give you, when extracted, a hydrolase with a higher purity value over mutagen potential. An Enzyme Extraction tool with a higher Mutagen Potential value will give you, when extracted, a hydrolase with a higher mutagen value over purity value. +9.0 is the highest value.
Refining Enzymes
While you can use raw hydrolase enzymes to create your pet, you will get better results if you refine your hydrolase. You must have Incubation in the Beast Mastery Expertise tree in order to use the Enzyme Extractor, Enzyme Centrifuge, Element Processor and Enzyme Re-Processor.
There are three (3) processes you must put your hydrolase enzymes through in order to complete one refining cycle. You will need to complete three (3) refining cycles for each pet you craft.
It takes 5 hours to refine one hydrolase enzyme (first and second refining process). You need five refined hydrolase enzymes to do the final refining step. If you do one hydrolase enzyme at a time you are looking at 25 hrs before you can begin the final 3 hr refining step that will allow you to place your hydrolase enzyme into your incubator unit.
First Refining ProcessFive (5) raw hydrolase enzymes are required for the first stage of the refining process. You will need an Enzyme Centrifuge (3.0 is max stat for either Purity or Mutagen) and Enzyme Centrifuge Separation Tray (3.0 max stat for either Purity or Mutagen). Each centrifuge cycle takes 3 hrs. Ideally, you will need five (5) Enzyme Centrifuges - one for each raw hydrolase enzyme. The Enzyme Centrifuge is reusable.
Place your raw hydrolase enzyme into the Enzyme Centrifuge. You must also place an Enzyme Centrifuge Separation Tray into each centrifuge. The Centrifuge Tray is a single use item. You will need fifteen (15) trays for each pet you craft.
The Centrifuge will breakdown your raw hydrolase into 1-2 Enzyme Elements (A-E). You need one (1) set of Enzyme Elements (A-E) to go on to the next step in the refining process. The elements you receive are random so you may need to do this step several times in order to get one of each element (A-E).
1. Open Enzyme Centrifuge
2. Place one (1) Hydrolase Enzyme into Centrifuge
3. Place one (1) Enzyme Centrifuge Separation Tray into Centrifuge
4. Close Centrifuge
5. Select Start Enzyme Centrifuge
6. Wait 3 hrs for cycle to complete
7. Remove Enzyme Elements (A-E)
Second Refining ProcessFive (5) Enzyme Elements, A through E, are required for the second stage of the refining process. You will need an Element Processor (3.0 max stat for either Purity or Mutagen) and Element Processing Canister (3.0 max stat for either Purity or Mutagen). Each processor cycle takes 2 hrs. Ideally, you will need five (5) Element Processing Canisters - one for each Enzyme Element.
The Element Processor is reusable. The Element Processing Canister is a single use item. You will need fifteen (15) canisters for each pet you craft.
The Element Processor will transform your Enzyme Elements into Element Enzymes (A-E) .
1. Open Element Processor
2. Place one (1) Enzyme Element (A-E) into Processor
3. Place one (1) Element Processing Canister into Processor
4. Close Processor
5. Select Start Element Processor
6. Wait 2 hrs for cycle to complete
7. Remove Element Enzyme (A-E)
Third Refining Process
Five (5) Element Enzymes, A through E, are required for the third, and final, stage of the refining process. You will need an Enzyme Re-Processor and an Enzyme Re-Processor Capsule (3.0 max stat for either Purity or Mutagen).
The Enzyme Re-Processor is reusable. The Enzyme Re-Processor Capsule is a single use item. The Enzyme Re-Processor cycle takes 3 hrs to complete.
The Enzyme Re-Processor will transform your five Element Enzymes into a single Hydrolase Enzyme.
1. Open Enzyme Re-Processor
2. Place five (5) Enzyme Elements (A-E) into Re-Processor
3. Place one (1) Enzyme Re-Processor Capsule into Re-Processor
4. Close Re-Processor
5. Select Start Enzyme Re-Processor
6. Wait 3 hrs for cycle to complete
7. Remove Hydrolase Element