Hilt 1 - Thin (Shortest of) Luke Skywalker (IV-V), Anakin Skywalker (III) Luke's Clone (Comics), Mara Jade (comics/books)
Hilt 2 - Thick (Shortest overall) Inspiration was Mara Jade.
Hilt 3 - Thin (Longest overall) Ben Kenobi. (IV)
Hilt 4 - Normal (Shortest of) Inspiration was Mara Jade.
Hilt 5 - Thick** Asajj Ventress (when held, looks like it is upside down, awaiting fix)
Hilt 6 - Normal (Longest of) Luke Skywalker. (ROTJ)
Hilt 7 - Thin Inspired by Mace Windu. (Episode I), Looks nearer to cut off half of Darth Maul's Double bladed Hilt
Hilt 8 - Thick** Exar Kun
Hilt 9 - Thick (Longest of) Obi-Wan-Kenobi. (Episode I-II)
Hilt 10 - Thick Qui-Gon-Jinn (Episode I), Padawan training saber (As seen in Episode II)
Hilt 11 - Thick** Luke's Skywalker first lightsaber construction experiment.
Hilt 12 - Thick** Same as eleven (white instead of black)
Hilt 13 - Thin Darth Vader. (ROTJ)
Dbl 1 - Thin* Vaguely inspired by Darth Maul's saber.
Dbl 2 - Thin* It looks like Leia's fourth lightsaber but in a double-bladed form. (Built when she became Jedi Knight in comics/books)
*New* Old Republic hilt thanks to dargaard - Thin
*Both appear the same, in length and thickness, and have the same thickness in comparision to that of the other hilts.
**Resulting blade length/width, looks indentical in all of these.
Color Crystals
All Lightsabers require only a color crystal to be used.
The standard color crystals can be looted from a variety of NPC's, or purchased from a vendor.
Here is a list of the available standard color crystals:
Elemental Damage Value: 2% of the Lightsaber's Maximum Damage Value
Elemental Damage Type: Acid
Critical Procedural Effect: Increases Critical Hit Chance
Blade Color: Light Green
Dark Green
Elemental Damage Value: 2% of the Lightsaber's Maximum Damage Value
Elemental Damage Type: Acid
Critical Procedural Effect: Increases Critical Hit Chance
Blade Color: Dark Green
Elemental Damage Value: 2% of the Lightsaber's Maximum Damage Value
Elemental Damage Type: Cold
Critical Procedural Effect: Increases the amount of damage taken by the target for a duration of six seconds*
Blade Color: Blue
Dark Blue
Elemental Damage Value: 2% of the Lightsaber's Maximum Damage Value
Elemental Damage Type: Cold
Critical Procedural Effect: Increases the amount of damage taken by the target for a duration of six seconds*
Blade Color: Dark Blue
Elemental Damage Value: 2% of the Lightsaber's Maximum Damage Value
Elemental Damage Type: Heat
Critical Procedural Effect: 5 second Fire damage over time effect
Blade Color: Red
Dark Red
Elemental Damage Value: 2% of the Lightsaber's Maximum Damage Value
Elemental Damage Type: Heat
Critical Procedural Effect: 5 second Fire damage over time effect
Blade Color: Dark Red
Light Purple
Elemental Damage Value: 2% of the Lightsaber's Maximum Damage Value
Elemental Damage Type: Electricity
Critical Procedural Effect: Increases glancing blow chance
Blade Color: Light Purple
Dark Purple
Elemental Damage Value: 2% of the Lightsaber's Maximum Damage Value
Elemental Damage Type: Electricity
Critical Procedural Effect: Increases glancing blow chance
Blade Color: Dark Purple
Elemental Damage Value: 2% of the Lightsaber's Maximum Damage Value
Elemental Damage Type: Cold
Critical Procedural Effect: Increases the amount of damage taken by the target for a duration of six seconds*
Blade Color: Yellow
Dark Yellow
Elemental Damage Value: 2% of the Lightsaber's Maximum Damage Value
Elemental Damage Type: Acid
Critical Procedural Effect: Increases Critical Hit Chance
Blade Color: Dark Yellow
Elemental Damage Value: 2% of the Lightsaber's Maximum Damage Value
Elemental Damage Type: Heat
Critical Procedural Effect: 5 second Fire damage over time effect
Blade Color: Orange (looks dark yellowish)
Elemental Damage Value: 2% of the Lightsaber's Maximum Damage Value
Elemental Damage Type: Heat
Critical Procedural Effect: 5 second Fire damage over time effect
Blade Color: Brown (looks dark yellowish)
Special Crystals:
Lava Crystal (built from Chu Gon Dar cube)
Elemental Damage Value: 4% of the Lightsaber's Maximum Damage Value
Elemental Damage Type: Heat
Critical Procedural Effect: 5 second Fire damage over time effect
Blade Color: Chewed Carrot
Banes Heart (Loot from NK Necrosis)
Elemental Damage Value: 4% of the Lightsaber's Maximum Damage Value
Elemental Damage Type: Electricity
Critical Procedural Effect: Increases glancing blow chance
Blade Color: Pink
Windu's Guile (GCW General reward)
Elemental Damage Value: 6% of the Lightsaber's Maximum Damage Value
Elemental Damage Type: Cold
Critical Procedural Effect: Increases the amount of damage taken by the target for a duration of six seconds*
Blade Color: Violet
Sunrider's Destiny (old village reward - can be bought occasionally for ludicrous amounts of credits)
Elemental Damage Value: 4% of the Lightsaber's Maximum Damage Value
Elemental Damage Type: Heat
Critical Procedural Effect: 5 second Fire damage over time effect
Blade Color: Teal
Kenobi's Legacy (elder jedi reward, not attainable)
Elemental Damage Value: 5% of the Lightsaber's Maximum Damage Value
Elemental Damage Type: Cold
Critical Procedural Effect: Increases the amount of damage taken by the target for a duration of six seconds*
Blade Color: Vibrant Blue
B'nar's Sacrifice (elder jedi reward, not attainable)
Elemental Damage Value: 5% of the Lightsaber's Maximum Damage Value
Elemental Damage Type: Acid
Critical Procedural Effect: Increases Critical Hit Chance
Blade Color : Brownish (looks dark yellowish)
Bondara's Folly (Collection reward)
Elemental Damage Value: 4% of the Lightsaber's Maximum Damage Value
Elemental Damage Type: Acid
Critical Procedural Effect: Increases Critical Hit Chance
Blade Color: Dark Yellow
* The potency of the debuff is modified by the value of the elemental cold damage of the application weapon and the weapon speed of each individual attacker. The debuff modifies base weapon damage.
Power Crystals and Krayt Pearls
In addition to color crystals, you can put power crystals and/or krayt pearls into the saber to increase damage. 1st gens can take one, 2nd gens can take two, 3rd gens can take 3, 4th gens/ORH/Jinzu/Juyo can take four, 5th Gens can take five.
The extra damage given by these power crystals/krayt pearls
is as follows (from worst to best):
Ancient Flawless
Tuning Power Crystals and Pearls:
The accepted consensus is that Pearls can now tune to 21/23, and power crystals can now tune to 17/18. In my experience this is the best I've seen. If anyone can post a screenshot showing otherwise I will be happy to change that.
The accepted consensus is that pearl/crystal tuning results are totally and completely random. I can see where that is thought to be the case, as I have had an experience where i tuned three Premium Krayt Pearls, and had the following results:
Tune 1 = 16/17
Tune 2 = 18/19
Tune 3 = 14/15
Seems pretty random to me.
That being said, in my own testing I find that I get better tunes while I am on my Yacht in space than I do while on the ground. That is only my limited testing (100 premium power crystals in each location), and you should not expect to get the same results, but you may. I would be interested to know if anyone else sees the same results.
Lightsaber Crafting Food
Pyollion cake is used to grant a bonus to all crafting Assembly rolls.
Prior to a recent update the usefulness of Assembly in Lightsaber crafting was debatable, however this stat now affects your chance to get a socket in your lightsaber.
This food is used prior to assembling your Lightsaber. If it is not used proir to clicking the "Assemble" button during crafting, it is useless.
Currently the best Pyollion cake I have seen on Flurry is is +15.87 Assembly. The exact cap is unknown, though I have never seen anything higher.
Bespin Port is used to grant a bonus to all crafting Experimentation rolls.
Many will debate it's usefulness, however Bespin Port does reduce the chance for a "Critical Failure" during the crafting process, as detailed in the main guide.
This drink is used prior to each Experimentation roll (any time you click "Experiment" in the experimentation phase).
Lightsaber Crafting Buffs
Entertainer Buffs:
Since we lost the +2% resource buff there has been much conjecture as to whether or not any entertainer buffs have any effect on Lightsaber crafting. There is sufficient evidence (through my testing and the testing done by others) to suggest that a Luck buff will help in some way (a quick forum search will turn up several posts describing what others have found). Either way, it can't hurt.
We do know that no other buff will have any effect on Lightsaber crafting, so if you are going to get an entertainer buff, make it a Luck buff.
If you want to stack luck, these items will all give a luck buff and are stackable:
Shard Of Retaliation (+150lck)
Drained Force Crystal (+50lck)
Luck charms looted from NPCs (+45lck)
Power Ups:
If you wear a robe that has some Armor resists on it, and are holding a weapon while crafting a Lightsaber, you can almost guarantee that your new Lightsaber gets a socket by applying the following Lightsaber Assembly PuPs:
Lightsaber Assembly Weapon PuP.
Lightsaber Assembly clothing PuP.
Lightsaber Assembly Armor PuP.
These PuP's can give you around +32 Lightsaber Assembly EACH.
With a Lightsaber crafting suit, and Server Best Pyollion Cake, and a Jedi Meditation Bracelet, you'll have somewhere near +51 Lightsaber Assembly bonus already.
Add these three PuPs to that, and you'll be able to get over +140 Lightsaber Assembly. In my testing this as good as guarantees a socket in the finished Lightsaber.
1. Place your Lightsaber Crafting Tool in the top level of your inventory (this is important), and do not have any other crafting tools in your inventory!
2. Eat the Pyollion Cake. You now have 20 minutes to assemble the Lightsaber (if it actually takes you more than 5 minutes you need remedial instruction). You must do this before assembling the Lightsaber.
3. Apply the Clothing, Armor, and Weapon Power Ups (See Appendix M: Lightsaber Crafting Buffs)
4. Click on the Weapon, Droid, and General Crafting Station (not the Lightsaber Crafting Tool) to start the crafting session. If the crafting session starts, you will be able to experiement. If not, move closer and try again.
5. Choose the appropriate schematic.
6. Add your resources (drag and drop, or double click). Make sure you are adding the correct resources.
7. Assemble the Lightsaber (button in the bottom right).
8. You will be shown the stats of your new Lightsaber (pre-experimentation) Here you can see if your new saber will have a socket in the left column.
9. Select the Next button (in the bottom right).
10. A window will pop up asking you if you want to experiment or create a prototype item. Choose Experiment.
11. On this screen there are several important things.
A. In the top left quadrant is your Lightsaber's current stats (these will go up as you experiment).
B. The bottom left quadrant is a representation of how many experimentation points you have remaining.
C. In the middle there are two "bars", Yellow and Purple. This is where you place your experimentation points.
D. On the far right there are a couple blue-green dots. As you this is a meter that represents how "dangerous" your experiementation is. As you add experimentation points ot the middle bars, this meter will rise. The higher it rises, the more likely you are to have a Critical Failure. Keep an eye on this meter. It will "cool off" over time if it rises more than 3 or 4 dots.
12. Drink the Bespin Port (one sip is good for one experimentation point, you want to do them one at a time).
13. In the middle bars, click once on the first box to the right of the Yellow ones. This adds an experimentation point to the Lightsaber.
14. Select Run Experiment from the bottom right.
15. Repeat steps 11-13 until you have no more experimentation points. If you are using Bespin Port, you will need to take one sip of the Port for each experimentation point. Fill was completely removed in ch6, so this part is much quicker now.
16. Once you are out of experimentation points (or have maxed the possible experimentation), select Done Experimenting (in the bottom right).
17. In the resulting window, you will do two things:
A. Name your Lightsaber (at the bottom left).
B. Choose your Lightsaber's appearance from the drop down menu (in the upper left).
You MUST ensure that the "Practice Mode" checkbox in the lower left corner
is NOT checked, or you will lose the Lightsaber and all resources used in the
crafting process.
18. Select Create Object (lower right) to complete the crafting session.
Your new Lightsaber will appear in your inventory in approximately 30 seconds.
Now all you need are a color crystal and some Krayt Pearls/Power Crystals
After Tuning the Pearls/Crystals (from the radial menu), you place them in your Lightsaber by selecting Open from the Lightsabers radial menu.
Enjoy your new Lightsaber! Remember; this weapon is your life, guard it well.