How do I get Smuggler Contraband?
Find Illicit Goods
You can loot it from corpses by using the special "

When having a corpse targetted that you have killed, use the special on the corpse to search the corpse for Contraband.
Most smugglers wrap this special into thier default loot macro. It has to be placed on the toolbar in order to work properly, it cannot be used as a /command.
Looted from Ships in space (please note that these will drop only your appropriate tier Contraband regardless of tier of ships).
If youre tier 3 and need to farm some Contraband, you can go to tatoine space and farm some tier 1 ships, you can do this later on again, when you hit higher tiers as well. Its a convenient way of acquiring your tier contraband. Of course this works with lower tiers too.
What is Smuggler Contraband used for?
Contraband is looted items that work on a shared itemization database (each item is copies of an entry in the DB) and are NO-TRADE. The Contraband you loot (whether its tier 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) all have the same purpose and they both of these purposes have to be triggered from the Contraband NPC:
Allows you to run Contraband PVE Smuggling Missions (and subsequently gain more Underworld Faction Points).
All Contraband Smuggling missions reward you with higher Underworld Faction Points.
You gain the most from Tier 1 Contraband missions (100 Faction Points) , but as you gain new advancements, the Faction Points you gain decrease (to 35 Faction Points).
You need 5 identical Contraband items to run 1 mission
Allows you to sell the Contraband for Credits
Where can I sell the Contraband or pick up missions?
There are one NPC Handler for every Tier that you need to visit to get the options to either sell the contraband or run missions:
Gotan on Tatoine: /waypoint -5942 -6037
Credits: 1000 for 5 identical contraband items
Dalya on Corellia: /waypoint 6800 -5623
Credits: 2500 for 5 identical contraband items
Ria on Rori: -5154 -2268
Shane on Talus: /waypoint 731 -3081
Zelma on Yavin4: /waypoint -247 4876
You can only get missions if you have the correct tier contraband. If you have lower tiered contraband you will be sent to the previous handler to sell it. You cannot run tier 1 missions as tier 2, 3, 4 or Tier 5 Smuggler.
What MObs drop Contraband?
Usually all NPC's (Humanoid non-player characters) have a chance to drop Contraband, some MObs are easier to farm than others. What you should look for are NPC's on the planet that the NPC handler resides that are appropriate to the level of the missions:
Tier 1: Level 1-10
Tier 2: Level 20-25
For example if youre looking for tier 5 contraband, you can just go for any CL80+ MObs around the galaxy. Finding Contraband isn't difficult, but it can be tricky if youre looking for a specific item.
I have some Contraband but I forgot where I got it, where can I see what tier it belongs to?
There are no Tier descriptions on the Contraband itself, you can use the list below to figure out what tier it belongs to:
Tier 1:
Imperial Rank Cylinder
Rank cylinders are multi-purpose security access devices used to denote rank and security clearance. They also double as access keys that allowed Imperial officers access to sensitive areas depending on their clearance.
Chak-root is a flavorful red plant that grows in the marshlands of Erysthes. The high taxes on the sale of this planet, make it a favorable item to smuggle.
Chemical Warhead
This device is designed to disperse upon explosion a toxic chemical, such as poison gas. This gas will injure or kill all that come in contact with it.
XJ9 Hypercharger
This critical weapon linkage mechanism is used in large starship grade weaponry found in Imperial starships.
Enhanced Weapon Cartridge
This weapon ammunition cartridge has been altered to fire special types normally used only by Imperial Stormtroopers
Tier 2:
Digital Droid Reprogrammer
This device can be used to reprogram a droid you do not own to perform a specific task overriding the servant command circuts of the droid
Synthetic Faleen Pheremones
A simple spray of this in the air could drive a human into an extremely pliable state. Not wanting any incidents, most Imperial Commanders make sure it isn't brought near any of thier troops.
Unlicensed Inert Gas Mixer
While innocuous in a science lab, this type of device in the incorrect hands could be used to create toxic and dangerous gas mixes. As such the Empire forces these devices to be registered.
Kessel Tea
A special type of tea normally only found in the Mines of Kessel. Exposure to sunlight renders the active ingredient inert.
Imperial Grade Detonators
An explosive charge used to disintegrate the target, and damage surrounding areas with a shockwave.
Tier 3:
Turgur Gas
One of the most lethal gases in the universe. It would be wise to handle it very gently.
Imperial Communications Device
This communication tool is common amongst the various combat troops of the Empire
Rigged Cargo Scanner
This cargo scanner has been altered to give false information about cargo containers. Often handed to the Customs Official by the Smuggler before his goods are scanned. Handing the Official a credit stick with the scanner ensures no questions are asked.
Modified Vibro Power Cell
This power cell could be used to create extremely deadly melee weapons. The Empire frowns upon any weaponry that could potentially be used against its blaster wielding Stormtroopers.
Sarlacc Spore
Sarlacc reproduce by creating spores, which can leave the atmosphere and travel long distances through the Galaxy to other planets. Because of this fantastic ability to propagate, the species' point of origin was never accurately determined. Once the spor.
Tier 4:
Credit Chip Counterfeiting Machine
This device is used to create counterfeit Imperial Credit Chips.
Imperial Master Key
This key will allow the user to gain access to specialized door mechanisms in Imperial research outposts.
Concentrated Arachne Venom
Taken from the spiders of Endor this venom is only used for nefarious purposes
Imperial Security Bureau Decryptor
The Imperial Security Bureau, is a key intelligence organization of the Galactic Empire. This type of decryptor is widely used by the ISB in thier internal communications.
Imperial Scientist Badge
This badge allows access to military scientific research outposts..
Tier 5:
Radioactive Weapons Core
Weapons of planetary destruction are closely monitored by the Empire. Possessing components to make such a large scale weapon is a series Galactic crime.
Restricted Melon
This Melon is known to harbor a rare green insect that is legendary for chewing on electronics and large date storage devices. Usually only indigenous to plants that have marine environments.
Disintegration Weapon
Disintegration weapons have been outlawed by the Empire, unless of course the weapon is in the hands of an Imperial Stormtrooper.
Max Reebo's Greatest Hits
This bootleg, contains a copy of Lapti Nek, a song by the Max Reebo Band while under contract with Jabba the Hutt.
Widow's Breath Rebreather
This rebreather has been treated with a chemical that will kill the user. One of the many tools used by Assassins to eliminate their victims.
Can I use Contraband for decoration?
You can use Contraband for decorative purposes, but splitting them up is currently not possible. Once you drop a new contraband item in your house or ship it will stack with the other items. This is no different than decorating with resources or other stacked items. Also remember that Contraband is NO-TRADE.