Places to train your pet and macros u can use
1-18 eisley, tatooine - basically you do this very fast and there is no need to go afk - NON NPC
18-28 outside wayfar, tatooine - there is a HUGE spawn of beetles that you can also do atk. just drive outside of wayfar about 200m and you'll find it. Cl 18~ - NON NPC
28-44 coronet, corellia meatlump spawns - groups of lvl 27/29/30/32 to use - also the big camp of red npcs is very nice and you can gain alot of levels - those npcs range from CL24-40, most in the 30 range I believe. ATK to loot/delete crappy loot to make it faster. - just have your pet suffer through the kills if he does not enjoy killing npcs, try to keep him happy with tricks/food/whatever he likes - NPCS
44-49 - behind the Tyrena, Corellia cloner there is a large group of red npcs that respawn faster than you can kill them - CL 36 I believe. no need to loot these, they will not respawn faster if you do. there are plenty enough to kill without looting - NPCS
44-61 - Lost village of durbin - talus poi, GSPs spawn there. they spawn slower but there are 3 big groups of GSPS. good for pets that dont like to kill npcs. - NON NPC
50-56 - outside narmle, rori there are garyn's pirates that respawn as fast as you loot, they are CL 44 - NPC
56-90 or 1-90 - kashyyk, rryatt trails, webweather path, last level, wookiees. Do not macro this place. It is a spot needed for quests. I do not reccomment this area but it is a fast respawn of CL 75 wookiees. At this point, you would want to respec and have all your points into your profession and 1 point into BM and YOU do the killing. Commando works out best in my opinion as you can area DOT and area shoot everything. Also, you will be taking all of the aggro, not your pet. Have your pet set to defensive and have him stay. Commandos get the kill meter and stim armor, along with position secured and extra armor bonuses. DO NOT AFK THIS AREA! It is against the rules because these wooks are needed for a quest, I would suggest killing ATK then when a player comes along, invite him and help him with the quest. CL 75~ NPC
56-90 or 1-90 - Dantooine, Dantari Village 1 (the POI that is bottom left - near the little lake)This is an excellent spot but you might find it crowded. Again, this area YOU will be doing the killing. These npcs are not needed for quests so you can AFK if you need to. They are pretty tough and they spawn very fast, so again i would reccommmend a good DPS/Armor class such as commando (just stack the area dots and area shot - you may also use Mines, but i find they arent worth the action cost). They drop some decent collection loot, crystals/house item limit stuff. If you AFK - I would reccommend a macro that involves /join, so that other people may join you in a group and kill together. Your pet will receive full XP if you and your groupie kill them and your pets sit and watch. Also a good spot to get BFF status. You will probably need to be CL 90 however, because if you dont do alot of damage, they will respawn so fast and gank you.
I used supps from 1-75, then from 75-80 I used no supps. Then 80-90 I used supplements again (roughly 25 minutes per level from 80-90). I would guess that you could go 1-75 supps, 75-83 no supps, 83-90 supps and get BFF at about the exact time you reach level 90.
Of course, I went to the dantari POI on dantooine when my pet was about level 60. I grouped with others and completely wiped out Jantas for hours on end. I would highly reccommend going there. If there are other players at the spot, hopefully they are grouped and the leader is not afk. Grouping benefits all players and has no drawbacks with the exception of loot going to the fastest looter
as for macros, which I prefer to use ATK just incase the pet dies/gets unhappy..
1-18 (eisley Tatooine)- just do it by hand, its so simple and fast
18-28 (wayfar Tatooine) again, do it by hand, but I have a smart macro to use for this also:
1st - /follow your pet
2nd - (secret! shh) press ctrl+shift+S
3rd - angle the camera to point down on you, but have a small angle to it so you dont target things 200m away
Macro 1: KILL
/target self
/pause .5
/ui action cycleTargetOutward
/pause .5
/ui action petToolbarSlot0
/pause 10 (adjust this for your pets time to kill each thing)
/macro kill
--- very simple macro, as noted in the comments below, /tar self will target yourself obviously, then cycleTargetOutward will target the closest thing to you. This prevents targeting multiple mobs before your pet kills the first one (ie ur pet killing something slower than expected, you target something else and now your pet goes and kills that - which now makes 2 mobs attacking your pet -- with /tar self, you will keep targeting the same mob until it is dead, or rarely target a 2nd one) . as you follow your pet and are using ctrl+shift+s, you will actually run around and target several things. I prefer this rather than standing still, because if you stand still, you can target something 80m away, your pet wastes time running to it, starts attacking, and before the target is dead, you tell your pet to attack something else - which will eventually kill your pet. Also reduces time of your pet running back to you. Mostly I like it because you can set your camera angle to target things far away and watch as you and your pet go on an adventure around the planet lol.. there is no telling where he might end up... if you want to keep in 1 area, adjust the camera as i mentioned, so you never target anything more than about 30m away.
Macro 2: HEAL
Self heal in slot 11, pet heal in slot 12, revive pet in slot 13
/ui action toolbarSlot11 (heal yourself)
/pause 2
/ui action toolbarSlot12 (heal your pet)
/pause 2
/ui action toolbarSlot13 (revive your pet) (this is an optional command that has not much use for other areas - I would suggest removing it for other locations)
/pause 2
/macro HEAL
easy macro again, will heal yourself incase you get attacked (it happens alot), heals your pet, and performes revive as fast as they are off cooldown. Normally I dont use a revive pet macro, as the pet is too far away to revive, but with the /follow on, you should be near ur pet when he dies.
Here i have several suppliments in my toolbars and tricks
put suppliments in slot 14 15 16 and tricks (if u have them) in 17 18
/ui action toolbarSlot14
/pause 30
/ui action toolbarSlot15
/pause 30
/ui action toolbarSlot16
/pause 30
/ui action toolbarSlot17
/pause 30
/ui action toolbarSlot18
/pause 30
- you will not burn through suppliments every 30 seconds, as you will get spammed with "your pet is already using suppliments", basically it will re apply a suppliment every time they wear off, which is 15 minutes. I changed the macro from /pause .5 to /pause 30 because I found that with several macros going off with very fast pauses, it will screw up the cooldowns on certain things, IE you will not heal, or you will not attack. Use long cooldowns when possible for the less-important things.
Macro 4: FOOD
put your pets favorite food in toolbar 19
/ui action toolbarSlot19
/pause 610
/macro FOOD
-- basically eats 1 charge of food every 10 minutes to keep him chipper
if you are commando, you can also use this same macro for the position secured ability if you have it. As you will not be moving in most places, position secured is just an extra bonus. The timer on PS is 10 minutes, so if you just put PS in slot 20, then just add:
/ui action toolbarSlot20
/pause 5
to the above macro.
level 28-44 (meatlumps/ragtag etc - coronet)
Use macros 2, 3 & 4 as listed above, but use a different macro instead of the Macro 1: KILL. Use this:
/tar self
/pause .5
/ui action cycleTargetOutward
/pause .5
/ui action petToolbarSlot0
/pause 10 (adjust for your pets abilility to kill)
/loot corpse
/pause 3
- this will only allow 1 npc to spawn at a time (except for when the corpses vanish and they respawn "naturally". It reduces ganking from all 4 npcs, but still allows non-stop killing. You must be within 15 meters of the corpse to loot it, so try to stand in the middle of the spawn, also angle the camera to point directly down on top of you (you might also want to go to options:Graphics: then set "field of view" at about half so you can get a fishbowl effect and target things a little further than normal), so you dont target anything else other than the spawn you're ontop of. Also i would suggest going prone while do this, along with killing any other npc. if you stand and enter combat with one of the npcs, you have a chance to dodge their attacks, which moves you 1 step away. over time, you will actually travel away from the spawn point. if you are prone, you wont move AS MUCH!.
Optional Macro 6: Revive
Put pet from datapad to any open Slot
/ui action toolbarSlot## - wherever your pet is
/pause 5
/ui action toolbarSlot## - again, whereever your pet is
/ui action toolbarSlot13 - revive ability
/pause 300
/macro revive
This will store your pet, then call your pet and attempt to revive him every 5 minutes. I dont use this because it can be buggy (see replys below), and also my pet never dies. Also you will have to reapply a supplement every 5 minutes, because all buffs go away when you store him. Useful if your pet seems to die alot and/or YOU die alot. There is a maximum window of 5 minutes 5 seconds that your pet will be dead, this is a window for you to DIE unless you are defending yourself, or you can outheal whatever is attacking you. Just an optional macro that isnt entirely needed, because you should keep an eye on your macros incase your pet dies.
44-49 (tyrena corellia):
just stand away from the npcs so they are all in front of you, make sure you can see most of the npcs in your field of view, make sure you cannot see anything other than those npcs (IE a nest of birds 200m away). simply run macros 1-4 - adjust the timer on macro 1 for a little longer than normal because your pet will have more running involved, i was able to do it easily with a 15 second pause. adjust and test based on your pets skill
44-61 (Lost village of durbin - GSP)
tricky spot, would be very slow if you afk it. you can try standing in the middle and running macros 1-4 (and also press ctrl+shift+s), but this could be considered monopolizing the area because you will likely kill everything in the POI before it respawns (or you will die!- these things dont mess around). I wouldnt suggest this area AFK AT ALL, not even that great ATK, but a good alternative if your pet hates npcs, also you will likely never see another person if you're there (unless they are getting DNA).
50-56 outside narmle, rori
use the same macro as the meatlump spawn as described in levels 28-44. Use the LOOTKILL macro instead of the kill macro, also use macros 2, 3, 4. These will respawn as fast as you loot.
56-90 - Kashyyk
I will not provide macros for this area and I do not suggest AFKing this area at all, and even ATK killing of these wookiees can be against TOS if you are preventing questers from getting any kills.
56-90 or 1-90 - Dantooine, Dantari Village 1
make use of macros 2-4
Since you are doing the killing, you dont want to use macro 1, you want your pet to stay away and not get into combat or he will likely die (unless he is CL 90 grinding BFF status). You can level from 1-90 here if you are a strong combatant, and it will be very very fast if you have a group of 2-3+ people. Be sure not to kill EVERYTHING in the area however, just pick a corner.
for combat, I would use:
Macro 7: mekill
/tar self
/pause .5
/ui action toolbarSlot00 (your primary attack of your professsion)
/pause 1
/ui action toolbarSlot01 (secondardy attack of your profession)
/pause 2 (adjust depending on cooldowns of your attacks)
/join - you will join other grinders that may invite you to group, type /lfg if you are alone to try and get invites. (cannot join groups while in combat)
/pause 1
/ui action toolbarSlot00
/pause 2
/ui action toolbarSlot01
/pause 1
/macro mekill
targets closest enemy to you, then cycles your top 2 attacks, as commando I only use 2 attacks, AOE dot, and AOE shot. Also trys to join a group, as grouping is better than soloing. Repeating the attacks in the macro is very useful, if you shorten the macro, it will target yourself alot and make things not work. The pauses of this macro require tweaking for best results. Play with it until you find the right cooldowns so that there is little to no downtime after an attack is off cooldown. Also, in this area, you will want to adjust the camera angle so you dont target things out of your line-of-sight, -- there are some behind buildings, there are some inside buildings, avoid these in your field of view.
General Tips:
Please feel free to reply with tips reguarding areas or about professions. I've only tried BH & commando, so thats all I know.
Macros: try to run as few macros as possible!! If you run 8 macros at a time, you run the chance of abilities trying to activate at the same time, which means something will not work. Just use my macros as an example and patch together your own if you can. This takes trial and error, cooldown timers are different, computers have different lag, we use different abilities, so just patch them together. Its harder to make 1 perfect macro than 8 macros, but the end result is less down-time, less deaths, and easier to operate.
Ent buffs - energy/kinetic are important, but the most important imo is reactive heal. its a life saver in pve because it heals for 800, and most of the time vs these mobs, they dont hit for 800, so its free heals. Also I like action cost, then glancing blow or block (if you have those SEAs already). ent buffs last a very very long time, so they are worth getting for long sessions.