"If you only knew the power of the Dark Side" - Darth Vader
The Dark Jedi profession is one of the most powerful in SWG and a player with enough skill can do almost anything solo. However, there are many weaknesses that must be addressed.
"Your overconfidence is your weakness" - Luke
The biggest problem with a Dark Jedi player is that they know they are overpowered...An opponent who does not know what is about to come their way will most likely be destroyed. However, against a player who has experience with Dark Jedi, the "overpowered" will end up conversing with the medical droid.
Every profession has the ability to overcome every other profession.
Dark Jedi vs. Light Jedi
"So be it... Jedi" - Emperor Palpatine
The biggest mistake a Dark Jedi will make against a Light Jedi is by doing what they do best: dps. Saber block combined with saber reflect will kill you faster than you can kill them (flurry procs don't help any either). A Light Jedi's range is 5m (including flurry), minus spark and saber throw, which do a miniscule amount of damage. Hovering 6-32m away will ensure a relaxed battle, but what is key is to make sure you did not waste your force run - when the Light Jedi's saber shackle takes effect you will need it. There are several attacks which are safe to use while saber reflect is active: maelstrom, force drain, force choke, shockwave and sweep. All of these with the exception of force drain and choke are aoe attacks. The reason why drain is "safe" is because the chance for drain to parry is a very small percentage. The logic behind choke is that the damage you will receive from a parried choke is small, while a successful choke will put a dot and a damage reduction on the Light Jedi. With all of this in mind, a Dark Jedi should have no problem against their "tank" counterparts.
Dark Jedi vs. Commandos
"You have paid the price for your lack of vision" - Emperor Palpatine
Commandos are the armored mirror image of the Dark Jedi - Massive dps and a solid defense. The difference between the two is aoe defense...Dark Jedi have none (that is inate). The gorrillas of pvp hide behind a wall of armor, and an arsenal of aoe attacks which will rip right through an unequiped Dark Jedi. The tactic most will use is "kill them quick! kill them quick!", because the dot stack you will acquire fighting a commando will be the end of you. The quote above is what the experienced Dark Jedi will use against a commando, especially when standfast is activated. You cannot kill what you cannot see, and the commando defense is not strong enough to wthstand the full potential of a Dark Jedi's dps without standfast. You will be laughed at and ridiculed for staying out of the line of sight, but you will have the last laugh when they come out of the cloner. I myself have always invested in cloak, but if that is not your own play style, fear not! There are very few places one can tread where there is a flat plain.
Dark Jedi vs. Officers
"Your eyes can deceive you; don't trust them" - Obi-Wan Kenobi
Officers can level the playing field in mass pvp, but are essentially "glass cannons" and will have problems against a Dark Jedi. The attacks of the officer have a delay, one that a Dark Jedi would be wise to take advantage of to win. Beware, the delayed attacks will come back to bite if the officer is not taken down fast enough. Many officers also invest in a root/snare and proceed to spam their arsenal, so providing them with a moving target will decrease their odds of survival. Like commandos, officers will lay some heavy aoe damage upon Dark Jedi, so I will say it again: keep moving.
Dark Jedi vs. Medics
"We're doomed!" - C-3PO
(In my experience) A full support medic, even BM, does not have enough dps to kill a Dark Jedi. However, the combat medic is something every player should watch out for. The debuffs that a Dark Jedi will receive in a battle against a combat medic will reduce the most important aspects of the profession - action and force drain. Be very cautious with you heals and stingy with your action...These will be the deciding factor on who wins.
Dark Jedi vs. Spies
"At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi" - Darth Maul
Spies can be very problematic to most professions, even Dark Jedi. The melee spy will be the most annoying, as they have a higher dps potential than a ranged spy. The trick with a melee spy is *drum roll* movement! That first +ambush+ will take more than half of a Dark Jedi's health and the remaining attacks, along with the -50% heal pot, will be the end of you. If that first ambush fails there is no need to worry. Also, if the ambush does land, becoming a moving target will keep you alive. The typical frame of mind is "oh, quick! mash buttons!?!?"...but trust me, they have more dps than you. Quickly moving out of the 5m range will keep you safe from most attacks and it will take a second for the spy to switch to ranged (if they are set up for it). Against a ranged spy, it is simply a matter of how fast one can kill the other. Most will stay at the 64m barrier and spam as many attacks as they can before the Dark Jedi force runs to them. Hit that saber block and mash those buttons; the spy will cloak or die.
Dark Jedi vs. Bounty Hunters
"I killed them. I killed them all" - Anakin
Bounty Hunters (in pvp) have little potential to kill a Dark Jedi without shields. While they have some of the highest ranged dps in the game, it does not match the armor bypassing attacks Dark Jedi posses. The only problem that may arise is if the bounty hunter pops their shield. In that case, the rule of "you cannot kill what you cannot see" comes into play. Again, you may be laughed at, but you will win.
Dark Jedi vs. Smugglers
"You may have been a good smuggler, but now you're Bantha fodder" - Jabba
A good smuggler can be a thorn in the side of a Dark Jedi, but they can also be an easy kill. Pistol whip, dire snare and break the deal will be your worst enemies when fighting a smuggler. With these in mind, it is a little easier to find a way around them. Pistol whip has a 6m range, unless you are extremely confident about your ability to kill the smuggler in question, stay out of that range. The reason dire snare is a problem, is because the smuggler can do one or both of these maneuvers: kite you or run in for the pistol whip. If they try to kite you, hit that saber block and wait it out, then headbutt your force run! Remember, Dire Snare is unbreakable while in effect, but once you are free, there is a duration where you cannot be affected - this is when you force run. By hitting your force run when dire snare has subsided and saber block when dire snare has take effect, you will have a much easier encounter. If they try the latter and go for the pistol whip, there is little you can do except to *walk" in the opposite direction, spam all of your attacks (inc force drain and saber block). More times than not, the smuggler will be dead before they reach you. However, if they do make it to you and land the pistol whip, take the beating and eat up those stims..when it is over, force run past the melee range and get back on the offensive. Break the deal in itself is the bane of the Dark Side. By chucking your dps out the window, it gives the smuggler the edge over the Dark Jedi. Again, "you cannot kill what you cannot see", stay out of the way until it passes and you have a reason to chuckle at your opponent.
Dark Jedi vs. Dark Jedi
"Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side of the Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight" -Yoda
A Dark Jedi vs. their own is all about knowing the profession's weakness. By answering the following questions, you will know what you must do to win a fight with your brother:
Are you a melee fighter or a ranged?
Are you set up to take damage, or deal it?
Do you fight more Dark Jedi, or other professions?
How many attacks can you spam before you run out of action?
"In my experience, there's no such thing as luck" - Obi-Wan Kenobi