Quest: The Clone Relics, Fist of the Empire

Prerequisites: Imperial Combatant or Imperial Special Forces
Experience: None
Repeatable: Yes

Quest Outline

1) Head to the Dathomir Science Outpost. Then go to the Point of Interest (POI) Nightsister Stronghold. Once there you will see a pile of bones on the ground right by the POI waypoint, which you should be able to bring up a radial on and select 'OPEN'. There is a document inside the pile of bones that spawns every 30 minutes or so. If there is not document currently inside then you need only wait 30 minutes and snatch it. This is a fairly popular quest series and Jedi Starfighter (to say the least), so you may on occasion see multiple players waiting beside the pile of bones.

2) You must make sure you are an Imperial Combatant and then head to Kashyyyk. If you are Rebel, or even Neutral, you must switch to Imperial and make yourself active duty (meaning Combatant status). You can find an Imperial recruit at any number of locations in SWG, most notably the Imperial Outpost on Talus or Rori. Once you are on Rori head down into the Imperial base adjacent to the starport and speak to the commanding officer downstairs. He will ask you to escort an AT-ST back to the base. Pay close attention to what you say to him. If you choose the wrong dialogue he will tell you to go away, and then it's back to Dathomir and more camping on the pile of bones spawn. At this point look at your Kashyyyk planet map and you will see a waypoint to the east along a path. I would strongly recommend killing everything you see from the base to the waypoint, as one you begin the escort you have to stay within a certain proximity of the AT-ST. Also, the miscellaneous creatures can become quite annoying along the path, so it will save you untold frustration if you simply deal them their fate before getting to the AT-ST spawn area. Once you get back to the city you will get the message saying you completed this phase. Head back into the Imperial base and give the good news.

3) Next you will have to defend the base you are currently in against a Rebel and Wookiee onslaught. There are three different kinds of NPCs that you will have to kill. Before heading outside check to see what they are in your quest journal, and once you head out of the base they will spawn. You can usually kill an enemy from each spawn immediately after they spawn, and before their AI reacts to your attacks. Also, quite often the enemies will spawn within objects or in the ground within the immediate area, and although they will not be able to injure you, you also cannot deal damage to them. This would result in dropping and retaking the quest again and hoping for a better spawn.

4) The next phase will lead you into the forest at the Northwestern portion of the map. Once you enter the forest you will receive a waypoint to some Scout Troopers, although there will be no system message of any kind. You just have to check your datapad once after entering the forest. As with the phase above you have to kill one of each type listed in your datapad. Make sure you check the types and be ready to get one of each before getting to the waypoint. If any other players are around they may not know that the NPCs are for your mission and they may start shooting at them.

5) Head back to the base and talk to the Imperial NPC that gave you the quest once again. You will then receive another mission (Phase IV). At this point you walk down further into the base only to be greeted by Darth Vader himself.

6) You will now receive the Jedi Starfighter from Darth Vader, and a space quest which you won't necessarily have to finish. You can simply keep the ETA-2 Jedi Starfighter or fly up and complete the last mission. This was still the case as of a few months ago that the space combat was not necessary, though it's quite fun to do the space quest portion anyway just to speak to Darth Vader one more time.

Specifications for the ETA-2 Actis (Jedi Starfighter)
• 90K Mass
• Two weapon mounts
• One ordinance slot
• One socket for an astromech
• Best maneuverability of any ship in space, and just about the fastest.
• Smallest ship 'hit-box' area of any player ship (making it ideal for space PvP pilots, in addition to the above mentioned maneuverability).
• S-foils that do indeed open and close just like in the movies, although this causes no speed changes to the ship.
• The deed for this Jedi Starfighter is tradeable. And no, it cannot be crafted by traders (it is a quest-only deed). Only players that have completed the quest can fly this ship (so you can't just buy the deed and jump in).
Certification for the ETA-2 Actis Jedi Starfighter is granted with the "Hyper-Maneuverability" section of any pilot profession