Ever wonder where people get those odd and interesting items? Well here's how:
AT-ST Helmet
Go to Mos Taike, Tatooine (leaving from Mos Entha as Mos Taike has no starport or shuttleport) and located Bren Kingal (3770, 2345).
He will ask you to complete a series of missions. On the 4th mission you will be given an AT-ST helmet to deliver. Do not complete the mission, but put the helmet in the bank, and repeat the mission as many times as you want AT-ST helmets.
Bantha Statue
Go to Anchorhead, Tatooine and locate a man by the name of Vardias Tyne in a ditch (102, -5383). He'll tell you that the Dim-U monks have placed a bounty on his head because he killed a bantha. He'll ask you to stop the bounty hunter they have sent after him. Accept the mission, kill the bounty hunter and return to Vardias. He will thank you with 30 credits.
Talk to Vardias again and he will ask you to give the Dim-U monks a peace offering - a bantha statue. Do not complete the mission if you want to keep the bantha statue. Put it in your bank, abort the mission and re-do it as many times as you want bantha statues.
Endor Painting
Talk to Igo Cakti in the Imperial BAse on the hill over Bestine (-758, -3907). You will have to run 4 simple destroy missions for him before he will reward you with the painting.
This quest is only available to Imperials.
Eyes of Mesra
West of Keren on Naboo at -263 2801 it is a Gungan Temple (looks like a pyramid) with a debris pile behind it and a debris pile on top of it. You can loot either one.
Note: there isn't always an Eyes of Mesra in there but if you stop by once or twice a day for about a week you should easily get one maybe two Eyes of Mesra along with Palm Fond and Slave Collars; not to mention a lot of junk such as work lights or 100 or 1000 sided cubes.
Note: items respawn roughly every 30 minutes in the debris piles.
Decorative Shisha, Dark Jedi Medallion, Black Sun Medallion
Take missions from any criminal in any city on any planet. You will get these items as rewards for completing their missions or as items you must deliver as part of their missions.
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Grunda Painting
Visit Jaleela Bindoo in the Guild Hall in Narmle, Rori (-5191, -2480).
She will ask you to pick up a painting from a gungan outside of town and bring it to her. Get the painting and kill the gungan and the mission will fail. Return to Jaleela Bindoo and you will be given the mission again. You can re-do the mission over and over again to get as many paintings as you want.
Do NOT finish the mission (especially if you have any paintings on you - she will take them ALL and won't give you the mission again.
Polished Krayt Dragon Skull
First you do 2 missions for Borvo the Hutt's Guard in the back of the Moenia Cantina on Naboo (-17, 18).
Then go to the Coronet capitol building (/find capitol) and run missions for Thale the Corsec leader (0, -10). Make sure you still have the CorSec badge.
Next return to Borvo and drag and drop the briefcase Thale gave you onto Borvo the Hutt. You will then need to run 2 more missions for Borvo. You will be given a Tusken King rifle as reward.
Head to the Darklighter Estate (POI) outside of Bestine, Tatooine and run 1 mission for his guard outfront to prove your loyalty.
Talk to Huff Darklighter inside the estate and drag and drop the Tusken King rifle, that Borvo the Hutt gave you, onto Huff. You will then be asked to do 2 missions for Huff Darklighter and be given a polished krayt dragon skull as reward.
Total time should be about an hour.
Scythe Blade Schematic
Talk to Hedon Isee in Mos Entha, Tatooine (1391, 3198). He will ask you to help him in several missions before finally giving you a map to where a treasure is buried (the scythe blade schematic) as final payment for your help.
Beware though, digging up the treasure will spawn a krayt dragon.