Laboratory Setup
From SWGPets

This article assumes you have read or have a basic understanding of:
Hydrolase Refining
Also, the term "quality" when refering to hardware, consumables, or enzymes is a reference to the purity and/or mutagen values that concern you. Someone only wanting high purity processed hydrolase need not worry about mutagen.
Starting your lab
Incubation Lab
If you are only interested in incubating pets without refining the hydrolase, then all you need is: Hardware
Hydrolase Refining Lab
If you want to get started hydrolase refining you may want to start out small and then work your way up. The following ratios can be followed as you increase your lab's processing capacity.
Recommendation: Consider getting near capped hardware, because it's a one time purchase. The consumables do not need to be capped.
Factors affecting your lab setup
Uneven Enzyme Element Distribution
The enzyme centrifugewill produce 2 unprocessed enzyme elements, each assigned a random letter between A and E. Because you will need one of each letter for the final reprocessing of the hydrolase. Due to the randomness, it's possible you may be left with an uneven distribution of elements. To end up with the correct number of each element letter it may be required to run additional enyzme centrifugesand/or element processors. many processors save up a few of each to give themselves the best chance of achieving a desired purity or mutagen amount on their final reprocessed hydrolase.
Targeted Purity or Mutagen Values
In order to achieve a 60 point non-mutated pet, three 20 point hydrolase must be used. Because of the randomness involved in the refining process, there may be some waste resulting from various refining stages.
Unprocessed hydrolase may not separate into unprocessed elements of sufficient quality in the
enzyme centrifuge -
Unprocessed elements may not process into processed elements of sufficient quality in the
element processor -
Processed elements may not combine into a processed hydrolase of sufficient quality in the
element re-process
Refining Efficiency
There are 24 hours in a day. A enzyme centrifuge takes 3 hours to process 1 unprocessed hydrolase into 2 unprocessed enzyme elements. Therefore each centrifuge can produce up to 16 unprocessed enzyme elements per day. That of course assumes you are there waiting for each process to complete so you can begin the next and that you won't be distracted by sleep, school, work, life, etc.
Many bio-engineers attempt to have enough hardware and consumables so that they are not having a backlog at any one point. The ratio outlined above of 3 enzyme centrifuges to 6 element processors to 1 element re-processor can be followed as you grow your lab's processing capabilities.
Availability of Hydrolase and Consumables
To keep your hardware running at a steady pace you need a supply of unprocessed hydrolase and the necessary consumables. Guild-based labs can delegate these tasks, but if you're a lone bio-engineer you will need to balance your crafting, combat, enzyme acquisition, and hydrolase refinement.
Quality of Hardware, Consumables, and Enzymes
Using lower quality components during the process will increase waste. Using higher quality components may increase costs. The price difference between example 1 and example 2 below would potentially be multi-millions of credits on many servers.
Example 1:
- Enzyme Centrifuge
Purity 3.0
- Element Processor
Purity 3.0
- Enzyme Re-Processor
Purity 2.0
- Enzyme Centrifuge
- Enzyme Centrifuge Separation Tray
Purity 3.0
- Element Processing Canister
Purity 3.0
- Enzyme Re-Processor Capsule
Purity 3.0
- Enzyme Centrifuge Separation Tray
5 Unprocessed hydrolase Purity 8.00
1 Processed hydrolase: 18.50 to 23.00 (capped at 20 for purity)
Example 2:
- Enzyme Centrifuge
Purity 2.0
- Element Processor
Purity 2.0
- Enzyme Re-Processor
Purity 1.5
- Enzyme Centrifuge
- Enzyme Centrifuge Separation Tray
Purity 2.0
- Element Processing Canister
Purity 2.0
- Enzyme Re-Processor Capsule
Purity 2.0
- Enzyme Centrifuge Separation Tray
5 Unprocessed hydrolase Purity 8.00
1 Processed hydrolase: 15.00 to 18.00
Purity vs. Mutagen
Mutagen is only important if you are attempting mutations. The sum of the purity points from your hydrolase across all three experimentation sessions determines your pet's points.
There are multiple approaches for the bio-engineer who wants to do both purity and mutagen processing
2 separate labs, one for purity emphasis, one for mutagen emphases
consumables can be tweaked between purity and mutagen to get values in the desired range
1 lab with capped purity, and positive mutagen
Use purity consumables when not attempting mutations
Use mutagen consumables when attempting mutations